Thursday, 20 February 2025

Slip and Fall Settlements: Is Surgery Required?

We’ve all been there before. Maybe it’s a puddle of water that causes it, or perhaps it’s an improperly maintained walking surface or debris that catches your foot as you lift it. Whatever the case, you slip and fall. In such situations, the help of a Brooklyn slip and fall lawyer can be invaluable in managing the legal aspects involved and seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

You may sustain an injury severe enough to warrant hospitalization. But maybe your injury was more minor and did not require immediate medical attention. Does that mean it won’t affect your life and ability to earn a living?

No, even seemingly minor slip-and-fall accidents can have lasting impacts that affect your ability to work and even enjoy personal activities. Do you have any recourse if your slip-and-fall injury was not severe enough to warrant surgery? Even then, what would be the average payout in such cases?

Too many people fear that their situation is not severe enough to warrant a settlement in these cases. They may feel that they must “suck it up” or “push through” the pain and limited mobility. 

The truth is that any slip-and-fall injury may be enough to warrant a settlement, even if you don’t require surgery as a result. With the help of a skilled New York slip and fall lawyer, you can file a claim within the relevant statute of limitations and negotiate for a settlement or seek other avenues of compensation for your expenses after your injury. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident caused by another person’s negligence, our attorneys at Kucher Law Group can help. Schedule a consultation today at (929) 563-6780 or fill out our online form.

The Reality of Slip and Fall Accidents in the US

Slip-and-fall accidents account for 30% of all reported injuries in the US annually. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, over 540,000 slip and fall accidents each year require hospitalization, and 20,000 lead to death. They are also the second-most costly type of workers’ compensation claim.

However, tens of thousands of slip-and-fall accidents don’t cause loss of life or catastrophic injury. Yours may leave you with a limp that lasts the rest of your life or maybe a limited range of mobility in one of your arms. Whatever the case, a slip-and-fall accident can have a lasting, measurable, negative effect on your ability to work and your quality of life and not be severe enough to require surgery.

Common Injury Types from Slip and Fall Accidents

Every year, over a million people in the United States go to the emergency room because of a slip-and-fall accident. Injuries can range greatly from mild to severe and can affect almost any part of the body. Some of the most common injuries seen from slip-and-fall accidents include the following:

  • Shoulder and neck injuries
  • Sprains
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Hip fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Cuts and abrasions

While some of the injuries listed above will certainly require surgery, many will not. However, that does not diminish their impact on your ability to work or your quality of life. For instance, even though a broken wrist might not need surgery to repair, it could leave you with lasting pain and limited mobility that force you to find different employment or prevent you from taking part in meaningful hobbies and other activities in your personal life. 

In short, a lack of surgery does not mean that a slip-and-fall accident does not affect your quality of life.

A Couple of Examples

To put these injuries in context, let’s look at a couple of examples.


Anna was out for a lunch date with her sister and a friend. They were trying a new restaurant that had just opened in town, and everyone was excited about it. On entering the restaurant, Anna’s sister excused herself to go to the restroom while Anna and her friend located a booth.

On reaching the booth, Anna’s foot slid out from under her. In the dimly lit establishment, she did not see the piece of cucumber covered with oil and vinegar dressing just at the edge of the table. Her mouth collided with the table’s corner, breaking a tooth and cutting her lip, and her knee struck the concrete floor. 

On arriving at the hospital afterward, Anna was found to have suffered a broken tooth as well as a fractured kneecap. The tooth would require either a cap or a crown. The kneecap would require a splint for several weeks, which would limit Anna’s mobility, as well as physical therapy afterward to help restore the knee’s range of movement.

What the X-ray at the hospital did not show was the strain placed on the ligaments in Anna’s knee. Even after completing her physical therapy and taking several weeks off work, Anna cannot walk without physical discomfort.


Steve was on his way home from work but had to stop to pick up food for dinner at the grocery store. Carrying a loaded basket on his arm, he made his way to the freezer section to pick up some frozen vegetables for the casserole he was planning. He didn’t notice the puddle of water on the floor spreading out from the malfunctioning freezer unit. As soon as he stepped in it, his foot slid out from under him, sending Steve to the floor.

Steve landed on his back. In the process, he injured his hip and his spine, and his head hit the concrete floor very hard. Steve was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where a series of X-rays and physical examinations showed that he had bad bruising along his back, a concussion from hitting the floor, and a hairline fracture in his left hip. 

None of these injuries required surgery, but it took weeks of bed rest to heal his fractured hip, and even after several months, he still suffered from back pain related to the fall. He also suffers from memory loss due to the concussion and has lost months of pay from his job. That forced time off work has also put his family behind on their bills, and they are now facing foreclosure on their mortgage.

Drawing Conclusions from Our Examples

In both of our examples, people have suffered pain and injury. They have incurred medical bills and been forced to take time off work to recover and complete physical therapy. Both Anna and Steve will face ongoing repercussions of their slip-and-fall accidents that may be with them for the rest of their lives. 

And yet, neither situation required surgery. Both Anna and Steve could qualify for a settlement, even though neither of them was injured badly enough to require surgical intervention. 

How much is such a settlement worth? What factors go into determining the amount of a slip-and-fall settlement?

How Much Money Is Necessary for a Slip-and-Fall Settlement?

Every situation is unique. There is no one-size-fits-all settlement amount simply because many factors affect your quality of life, financial situation, and your ability to work. Three of the most important considerations in any slip-and-fall settlement are the amount you incur in medical bills, the amount of money lost because of time off from work, and the amount of pain and suffering you go through.

At a minimum, your slip-and-fall settlement should cover the medical bills you sustained because of the injury. Note that this includes bills due to initial treatment, like a visit to the ER, but also bills due to ongoing problems stemming from the original injury. That might include things like physical or occupational therapy, pain medications, and more.

In many cases, a slip-and-fall accident also comes with considerable recovery time. Depending on the type of injury and its severity, you could lose weeks, months, or even years on the job and the pay that time would have provided. Those lost wages represent a very real financial impact on your life, and you might find yourself struggling to pay your bills.

Finally, you must also consider pain and suffering. Because this is subjective rather than objective, it’s difficult to measure. The court will base its decision on observable factors, such as how much your quality of life has changed, how you have had to change your behaviors, whether the injury has affected your employment or employability, and how long your injuries are expected to affect your life.

What Is the Process for Obtaining a Settlement for a Slip-and-Fall Injury?

While all cases are unique, they follow a similar path.

1. Report Your Injury to the Property Manager

The first thing you should do is report your injury to the property managers or owners. This will establish the case. If you’re able, ask to file a formal report. If you cannot speak because of your injuries or cannot fill out the report at this time, do so after seeking medical attention. If you don’t report your injury/accident, then there is no record of it ever happening. Make sure to request a copy of your report from the business, too. If the police and/or medical personnel were involved, get a copy of their report(s), too.

2. Get Medical Attention

Once the owner or manager has been alerted, you must seek medical attention for your injuries. Follow the advice of any first responders and go to the hospital if directed to do so. If the first responders do not request that you go to a hospital, make sure to visit one within 48 hours of the accident to document your injuries. Don’t assume that because you aren’t in serious pain at the time, you have no injuries. It can take some time for symptoms to show up, particularly if a head injury is involved.

3. Obtain a Lawyer

Next, contact a slip-and-fall attorney. An experienced attorney will be able to offer advice and guidance, answer your questions, and help you set reasonable expectations about what comes next. They can also represent you with the insurance company and in a court of law if necessary.

4. Determine the Cause and Gather Witness Reports

What caused your slip-and-fall accident? It could have been almost anything, from standing water on the floor to unseen obstacles, but it’s important to identify and document the cause. Without a cause, it will be very hard to prove your case. 

You also need to speak with witnesses and gather their statements. What did they see? Did they stop to offer aid? Was there anyone with you at the time of the accident? Get the name and contact information of any witnesses. Your attorney should be able to help here.

5. Document and Take Notes

You will need to document everything to support your claim. This includes your account of the accident, photos or videos that support your account, witness statements, and more. Hospital bills, photos of your injuries before and after treatment, and information about any related property damage should all be included. Your attorney will help you understand what to document and how to take notes to support your case.

6. Be Cautious When Dealing with Insurance Representatives

Chances are good that an insurance representative will approach you and possibly offer a settlement amount. Be cautious here. It’s usually wise to refer the representative to your attorney, who can help you determine if the settlement offer is fair. 

7. Negotiations

In most instances, your attorney will advise you to reject an initial settlement offer. Depending on the situation, this settlement may be about a demand letter from your attorney, or it may be prompted by your accident report. In almost all cases, it will be a low offer intended to save the insurer money. Once you reject that initial offer and make a counteroffer, the negotiation process will move forward.

Process for Obtaining a Settlement for a Slip-and-Fall Injury Details
Report Your Injury to the Property Manager Inform property managers/owners. File a formal report if possible; if not, report after seeking medical attention. Request copies of your report and any related police/medical reports.
Get Medical Attention Seek medical help promptly. Follow first responders’ advice. Visit a hospital within 48 hours to document injuries, especially head injuries.
Obtain a Lawyer Contact an experienced slip-and-fall attorney. Get advice, representation, and guidance throughout the process.
Determine the Cause and Gather Witness Reports Identify and document the accident’s cause. Collect witness statements and their contact information.
Document and Take Notes Record accident details, take photos/videos, preserve evidence. Keep records of bills, medical reports, treatment, and property damage.
Be Cautious When Dealing with Insurance Representatives Refer insurance reps to your attorney. Assess settlement offers carefully.
Negotiations Likely reject initial low offer. Negotiate for a fair settlement with your attorney’s assistance.

Understanding Settlements for Non-Surgical Slip and Fall Injuries

When considering the aftermath of a slip and fall accident, it’s a common misconception that only injuries requiring surgery warrant significant legal settlements. It’s crucial to understand that non-surgical injuries are equally acknowledged within the legal arena. Settlements for these types of injuries are not only possible but also based on a comprehensive evaluation of the injury’s impact on the victim’s life.

Non-surgical slip and fall injuries can disrupt one’s daily routine, create financial burdens due to medical bills and lost wages, and lead to long-term physical and emotional pain. The compensation for these injuries accounts for the full spectrum of these impacts. For instance, even if you haven’t undergone surgery, you might still need extensive physical therapy, pain management, or other medical interventions that add up over time.

The essence of a slip and fall claim revolves around the concept of negligence. The legal focus is to determine whether another party failed to maintain a safe environment, thus leading to your accident. The severity of the injury, surgical or not, is secondary to the establishment of negligence.

Injuries from a slip and fall can range from sprains and strains to more subtle, yet debilitating, conditions like chronic back pain or concussions. Each of these can significantly impair your ability to perform your job or enjoy life as you did before the accident. This is where compensation plays a role—it aims to bridge the gap between your pre-accident and post-accident quality of life. Working with a skilled attorney can help you attain the compensation you deserve by providing skilled representation and presenting your case to the court.

Slip and Fall Settlements Without Surgery

Receiving slip and fall settlements without undergoing surgery is indeed possible. The need for surgery can influence the amount of reasonable compensation you can seek, as it may lead to higher medical expenses and a longer recovery period, impacting your ability to work. However, the basis for pursuing a case lies in establishing negligence, which is not determined by the severity of your injuries or whether surgery is required.

The settlement amount varies based on the extent of your injuries and how they have affected your life. Slip and fall accidents can cause a wide array of injuries, ranging from minor cuts and bruises to significant internal harm.

If you’ve experienced injuries from a slip and fall accident, you may qualify for different types of compensation for the costs you have incurred, including but not limited to the following:

  • Lost wages 
  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical therapy

Evaluating Future Medical Costs for Non-Surgical Slip and Fall Injuries

When assessing compensation for slip and fall injuries that do not require surgery, it is crucial to consider not only immediate medical costs but also long-term care and potential future medical expenses. Non-surgical injuries, such as soft tissue damage or minor fractures, can evolve into chronic conditions leading to persistent pain and mobility issues. These long-term effects can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life and financial needs.

For individuals experiencing ongoing symptoms from slip and fall accidents, the cost of future medical care may include physical therapy, hiring a caregiver, and necessary assistive devices such as a wheelchair or crutches. These expenses should be factored into the settlement to adequately compensate for the victim’s altered lifestyle and potential loss of income.

Legal professionals and insurance adjusters often approach the estimation of these costs cautiously. Typically, they wait until the injured party reaches Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) before finalizing compensation amounts. MMI is determined when the individual’s condition has stabilized and is unlikely to improve further. At this point, a clearer understanding of long-term needs and costs can be established.

Moreover, attorneys may utilize testimony from medical professionals to project future medical expenses. This testimony helps paint a comprehensive picture of the ongoing care requirements and the associated costs. It is a critical component for settlements to reflect the true extent of the long-term financial impact on the victim.

Ultimately, a well-negotiated settlement should address both the present and future ramifications of a slip and fall injury, recognizing the ongoing care needs and helping ensure that individuals are not financially burdened by the consequences of an accident for which they were not at fault.

If you’ve experienced a slip and fall accident in New York and are seeking fair compensation, Kucher Law Group can support you every step of the way. Our experienced Brooklyn slip-and-fall lawyers understand the intricate aspects of such cases and can provide advice tailored to your unique situation. Our team can assist in filing a claim and negotiating with insurance companies and accountable parties or, if necessary, engage in litigation to secure the most favorable outcome possible for your specific circumstances.

Work with a Skilled Brooklyn Slip and Fall Lawyer at Kucher Law Group Today

Ultimately, slip-and-fall injuries can cause immense pain and lasting physical damage. They can completely change your life, even if they do not require surgery. Any slip-and-fall injuries may be eligible for a settlement. 

Even seemingly minor accidents can have lasting impacts on your life. A simple fall that you can walk away from may leave you dealing with chronic pain and limited mobility for months or years afterward. The need for surgical repair does not determine whether your injury warrants a settlement or not. 

If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, it is advised to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to represent you. A skilled lawyer can help you understand the situation and what to expect, as well as whether to move forward with a personal injury claim. Contact us today at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a consultation, and let us advocate for the slip and fall compensation you deserve.

from Kucher Law

How Common Are Scooter Accidents in Brooklyn, New York?

Brooklyn’s bustling streets are teeming with a variety of transportation options, and electric scooters have become an increasingly popular choice for navigating the urban jungle. As this mode of transportation gains traction, it’s important to consider the safety implications that come along with its convenience and sustainability. Scooter accidents in Brooklyn, New York, are not uncommon, and the rise in their popularity has led to a growing concern over the risks riders face every day. From dodging traffic to navigating through crowded sidewalks, scooter enthusiasts are often vulnerable to a host of hazards that can lead to serious accidents.

While scooters offer a quick and eco-friendly way to get around, accidents can and do happen, sometimes with severe consequences. If you or someone you know has been involved in a scooter accident in Brooklyn, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the next steps to take. Don’t let a momentary incident put a long-term hold on your life. At Kucher Law Group, our team of New York electric bike injury lawyers may be able to help you handle the legal process and pursue the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a consultation, and let us advocate on your behalf to protect your interests and get you back on your feet as swiftly as possible.

With the rise of scooter sharing, comes the risk of accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over 2 million injuries related to motorized vehicles between 2008 and 2017. This number is expected to increase due to the growing popularity of scooter sharing. Scooters are not designed to carry passengers, so it’s important to follow safety precautions. The NHTSA recommends wearing protective gear like helmets and eye protection. Always wear a seat belt, and never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Kucher Law Group in New York can help if you or a family member has been hurt while riding on an e-scooter. Our NYC electric bike injury lawyers are experienced in protecting your rights. Our legal team represents injury victims in New York City. We serve Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan as well as Staten Island, Long Island, and Westchester County. For a free consultation, call (929) 563-6780.

NYC Electric Scooter Laws

Electric scooters that have handlebars and a floorboard or seat, and can be powered by electric and/or human power, are permitted for use in New York City with minimal regulations. The following rules apply:

  • Maximum Speed: Electric scooters must not exceed a speed of 15 mph (24 km/h).
  • Permitted Areas: Electric scooters are allowed in bike lanes and on streets where the speed limit is 30 mph (48 km/h) or lower.
  • Sidewalk Riding: Riding electric scooters on sidewalks is prohibited in NYC to ensure the safety of pedestrians and riders. 
  • Helmet Recommendations: While only riders aged 16 and 17 are legally required to wear helmets, it is strongly recommended that all electric scooter riders in NYC prioritize their safety by wearing helmets and protective gear. This is due to the potential for serious injuries, especially in accidents involving vehicles. The utilization of protective gear can greatly diminish the severity of injuries in such occurrences.
  • Age Restrictions: To legally ride an electric scooter in New York City, you must be at least 16 years old. Unlike mopeds, no special license or permission is required. This age restriction is in place to address safety concerns and ensure the safe integration of electric scooters with other vehicles on the road.

To gain a better understanding of the laws concerning electric scooters in New York City, it is crucial to consult an NYC electric bike injury lawyer. The Kucher Law Group is well-equipped to offer comprehensive information regarding the specific regulations, rights, and obligations pertaining to electric scooters in NYC. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

NYC Electric Scooter Regulations Details
Maximum Speed 15 mph (24 km/h)
Permitted Areas Bike lanes and streets with a speed limit of 30 mph (48 km/h) or lower
Sidewalk Riding Prohibited
Helmet Recommendations Strongly recommended for all riders; legally required for riders aged 16 and 17
Age Restrictions Must be at least 16 years old; no special license or permission required

Scooter Injury and Accident Statistics in New York

The streets of New York City have witnessed a worrying increase in scooter-related injuries. In 2022 alone, there were 680 individuals reported injured in scooter incidents, marking a 16% rise from the 588 injuries in 2021. This surge underscores the growing risk associated with the prevalent use of these vehicles.

E-scooters, in particular, have been a major contributor to the rise in emergency room visits, not just in New York but across the country. To illustrate, a staggering 14,680 e-scooter injuries were reported nationwide in 2018, which is more than double the number reported in 2014. Since the legalization of scooter rentals in New York, emergency rooms, especially in the Bronx and other boroughs, have seen a shocking increase in visits due to scooter accidents. The injuries range from minor to severe, indicating that while e-scooters offer a convenient mode of transportation, they also bring a substantial risk of harm.

The statistics from New York City serve as a stark reminder of the importance of safety measures for scooter riders. With the rise of e-scooter use, it is crucial for both operators and pedestrians to practice increased caution. In instances where accidents result from someone else’s negligence, legal avenues are available. Victims are encouraged to consult with an experienced New York electric bike injury lawyer to explore their options for compensation.

Who Is Liable in a Brooklyn Scooter Accident?

Determining liability in a Brooklyn scooter accident depends on the circumstances of the crash and the parties involved. New York’s comparative negligence laws allow injured parties to seek compensation even if they are partially at fault. Additionally, insurance coverage varies depending on whether a motor vehicle was involved in the accident.

If a Vehicle Driver is at Fault 

If a car or truck collides with a scooter, the motorist is typically responsible. Under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1146, drivers must exercise due care to avoid colliding with pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders. If the motorist is at fault, their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance may cover the scooter rider’s medical expenses. However, PIP does not provide compensation for pain and suffering unless the rider meets New York’s serious injury threshold.

Additionally, if the at-fault driver lacks sufficient insurance, the scooter rider may seek compensation through Uninsured Motorist (UM) or Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage.

If the Scooter Rider is at Fault

If a scooter rider causes an accident such as colliding with a pedestrian, the injured party may need to rely on their health insurance for medical expenses. Unlike motor vehicles, electric scooters are not required to carry insurance in New York. However, the injured party may file a personal injury claim against the rider, depending on the circumstances.

In cases involving rental scooters, liability can be more complicated. While these companies often require riders to accept liability waivers, they may still be responsible for accidents caused by:

  • Defective scooters (brake failures, battery malfunctions).
  • Negligent maintenance (failing to repair reported issues).
  • Software errors (incorrect GPS speed limits or sudden shutdowns).

Some rental companies carry third-party liability insurance, but coverage limits vary.

If a Defective Scooter or Road Hazard is at Fault

If a crash results from a malfunctioning scooter, the manufacturer or rental company may be liable under product liability laws. Common defects include:

  • Brake failures or battery fires (manufacturer liability).
  • Worn-out tires or faulty steering (rental company maintenance failure).

When road hazards such as potholes, uneven pavement, or missing traffic signs cause an accident, the New York City Department of Transportation or another municipal agency could be liable. However, claims against the government require filing a Notice of Claim within 90 days.

How Comparative Negligence Affects Liability

New York follows a pure comparative negligence system, meaning an injured party can recover damages even if they are partially at fault. However, their compensation will be reduced by their percentage of fault. For example:

  • If a scooter rider runs a red light and gets hit by a car, a court may find them 40% at fault and reduce their compensation accordingly.
  • If a motorist fails to yield to a scooter in a bike lane, they may be fully liable for damages.

Each accident requires a thorough legal review to determine liability and assess available insurance coverage. Consulting with a New York electric bike injury lawyer can provide crucial support in resolving these matters, helping to clarify legal rights and options for recovery.

Brooklyn e-scooter accident attorney

What Should You Do If You’ve Been Injured in an E-scooter Accident?

If you’re involved in an e-scooter accident in New York, it’s important to take specific actions to protect your health and legal rights.

  1. First, seek medical attention promptly, even if your injuries seem minor. Early medical evaluation can prevent complications and provides essential records for any future claims.
  2. Next, report the incident to the police and obtain a copy of the accident report. This official documentation serves as a critical record of the event.
  3. It’s also important to document the scene thoroughly. Capture photographs or videos of the location, your injuries, and any property damage. Collect contact details from witnesses and others involved in the accident.
  4. When discussing the incident, exercise caution and avoid statements that could be interpreted as admitting fault.
  5. Keep all relevant evidence, including receipts, medical records, and other documents related to your injuries and expenses.
  6. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to inform the e-scooter company, especially if a rented scooter was involved, or your insurance provider about the accident.
  7. Finally, consider consulting a personal injury attorney experienced in e-scooter accidents. They can assist in determining liability and pursuing compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

By following these steps, you protect your well-being and strengthen your position to seek appropriate compensation for your injuries.

Get Experienced Legal Assistance From Our NYC Electric Bike Injury Lawyers Today

At Kucher Law Group, our New York City electric bike injury lawyers handle each case with the care and attention it deserves. Our team carefully reviews injury claims, prepares for litigation when necessary, and has extensive experience handling cases involving electric scooter accidents. Our client-centric approach is tailored towards each case, ensuring that our strategy is aligned with your recovery and goals in mind.

Our team is familiar with the types of injuries common in bicycle, scooter, and pedestrian accidents, such as severe cuts, road rash, and other serious injuries. We strive to help clients recover financial compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and long-term effects like permanent disability or disfigurement. Call us today at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a free consultation.

from Kucher Law

Is a Store Liable for a Customer Injury?

Premises liability refers to the legal responsibility of a property owner or manager to ensure the safety of individuals who are on their premises lawfully. As such, store owners must exercise reasonable care to prevent harm to customers on their premises or to warn them of any hazardous circumstances that can cause injury. When a customer suffers an injury as a result of the store owner’s negligence of this responsibility, the owner may be held accountable for the resulting injuries.

If you’ve suffered an injury in a store, it’s crucial to protect your rights and seek the legal assistance you need. Our team of skilled Brooklyn premises liability attorneys at Kucher Law Group can help you understand your rights and represent your best interests in the event of a premises liability case. Don’t navigate the process of filing a claim alone. Contact us today at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers.

Is a Store Liable for a Customer Injury?

Under New York premises liability law, store owners, managers, and lessees are mandated to maintain their premises to ensure they are free from hazardous conditions. If an injury occurs due to negligence in this duty of care, the store could be held liable.

For a store to be considered liable, several conditions must be met:

  • Existence of Hazardous Condition: The injury must have been caused by a dangerous condition within the store.
  • Knowledge: It should be proven that the store owner or employees were aware or should have been aware of the hazardous condition.
  • Failure to Act: The store owner did not take appropriate actions to address the hazardous situation or to warn the customers adequately.

Common incidents in stores that could lead to injuries include slips and falls, cuts from improperly stored items, and injuries from falling objects. Each case depends on specific circumstances and the ability to demonstrate the store’s negligence.

If you believe that a store’s negligence has caused your injury, consulting with a Brooklyn premises liability attorney is essential. At Kucher Law Group, our skilled attorneys can assess the details of your case and guide you on the best course of action for seeking compensation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

What is Premises Liability and Why is it Important?

In the context of personal injury cases, premises liability means that if a customer sustains an injury due to a defect on a property – in this case, a store – the store owner may be held legally liable for the resulting damages.

Injuries sustained due to Premises liability are compensable for several reasons.  First and foremost, it protects the rights of visitors and customers in commercial establishments. When people enter a store, they have a reasonable expectation of safety. Premises liability ensures that store owners are held responsible for maintaining safe premises and taking necessary precautions to prevent customer injuries.

Premises liability also promotes a culture of safety and responsible business practices. Placing the onus on store owners to maintain safe environments encourages them to regularly inspect their premises, identify potential hazards, and promptly address them. This focus on safety benefits not only customers but also employees, vendors, and anyone else who interacts with the store.

Additionally, premises liability is vital in providing recourse and compensation for injured customers. When a customer suffers an injury due to a store owner’s negligence or failure to maintain safe premises, they may be entitled to seek compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the injury. Premises liability laws help injured individuals pursue the compensation they need to recover and move forward.

Understanding how premises liability works especially in relation to commercial establishments is crucial for customers because it empowers them to protect their rights and seek compensation for injuries suffered on store premises. When customers are aware of their legal standing, they can take appropriate action if they believe their injuries were the result of a store owner’s negligence or failure to maintain a safe environment. Holding stores accountable not only provides justice for the injured party but also promotes a culture of safety and responsible business practices.

What Does a Store Owner’s Duty of Care Entail?

Under New York law and the tort of premises liability, store owners owe a duty of care to their customers. This duty requires them to exercise reasonable care in maintaining the store premises, identifying potential hazards, and promptly addressing them. Store owners should regularly inspect their premises, identify dangerous conditions, and take timely measures to rectify or warn customers about these hazards. Failure to meet this duty of care may result in legal liability if a customer is injured as a result.

Types of Customer Injuries in Stores

When it comes to customer injuries in stores, various accidents can occur that may result in harm and potential legal claims. Common types of customer injuries that happen in stores include:

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are among the most prevalent types of injuries that can occur in stores. They typically happen when a customer loses their footing due to a slippery or uneven surface, such as wet floors, spills, or poorly maintained walkways. In New York, store owners have to promptly address and rectify such hazards or provide warnings to prevent slip and fall accidents.

Trip and Fall Accidents

Trip and fall accidents often result from hazards like torn carpets, loose floorboards, or cluttered walkways in stores. These incidents can cause customers to trip and sustain injuries. Store owners in New York are responsible for maintaining safe premises and should promptly repair or warn customers about potential trip hazards.

Falling Merchandise Accidents

Falling merchandise accidents can occur when items on shelves or displays fall onto customers, causing injuries. Store owners must ensure that merchandise is properly secured and displayed to prevent such incidents. Failing to secure merchandise adequately or neglecting to regularly check for potential hazards can make store owners liable for resulting injuries.

Types of Customer Injuries in Stores Description Store Owner’s Responsibility (In New York)
Slip and Fall Accidents Customer loses footing due to slippery or uneven surfaces like wet floors, spills, or poorly maintained walkways. Promptly address and rectify hazards or provide warnings to prevent slip and fall accidents.
Trip and Fall Accidents Hazards like torn carpets, loose floorboards, or cluttered walkways cause customers to trip and sustain injuries. Responsible for maintaining safe premises; promptly repair or warn customers about potential trip hazards.
Falling Merchandise Accidents Items on shelves or displays fall onto customers, causing injuries. Ensure merchandise is properly secured and displayed to prevent such incidents; regularly check for potential hazards.

Common Causes of Injuries in Stores

Common causes of injuries in stores include:

  • Slippery or Wet Floors: Spills, leaks, or improperly maintained floors can create hazardous conditions that increase the risk of slip and fall accidents.
  • Tripping Hazards: Uneven or damaged flooring, loose carpeting, or objects left in walkways can cause customers to trip and sustain injuries.
  • Falling Merchandise: Poorly stacked or improperly secured merchandise on shelves or display racks can fall and strike customers, leading to injuries.
  • Inadequate Lighting: Insufficient lighting in store areas can make it difficult for customers to see hazards or obstacles, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Negligent Maintenance: Failure to address maintenance issues promptly, such as broken handrails, loose steps, or malfunctioning escalators or elevators, can lead to accidents and injuries.
  • Lack of Warning Signs: Failure to provide clear warning signs or hazard notifications, such as wet floor signs, can increase the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Inadequate Security Measures: Insufficient security measures can make customers vulnerable to criminal acts, such as assaults, robberies, or thefts, leading to injuries.
  • Overcrowding: Inadequate crowd management and overcrowded store spaces can result in accidents, falls, or trampling incidents.
  • Defective or Dangerous Products: Products with manufacturing defects or inadequate safety warnings can cause injuries to customers while using them in-store.
  • Negligent Hiring or Training Practices: Inadequate background checks or insufficient employee training can lead to customer injuries caused by employee negligence or misconduct.

It’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and the specific causes of injuries in stores can vary. Awareness of the types of injuries that can occur in stores can help customers better understand their rights and the responsibilities of store owners in ensuring a safe shopping environment. If you have been injured in a store, it is recommended to consult with a personal injury lawyer who can assess the circumstances of your case and determine the best course of action to seek compensation.

Elements of Premises Liability

When it comes to premises liability in personal injury cases, several key elements come into play. Understanding these elements is crucial for both customers and store owners in New York. Let’s explore the key elements of premises liability:

Duty of Care: Store Owner’s Responsibility

Store owners have a legal duty of care toward their customers. This duty requires them to exercise reasonable care in maintaining safe premises and ensuring the well-being of their patrons. Store owners must take proactive measures to identify and address potential hazards, conduct regular inspections, and implement necessary safety protocols to prevent customer injuries.

Breach of Duty: Negligence and Failure to Maintain Safe Premises

A breach of duty occurs when a store owner fails to fulfill their responsibility of maintaining safe premises or acts negligently, resulting in customer injuries. Negligence can involve various actions or omissions, such as failing to repair known hazards, not providing proper warnings, or disregarding industry standards for safety. If a breach of duty is established, the store owner may be held liable for the injuries caused by their negligence.

Causation: Linking the Store’s Actions to the Customer’s Injury

To establish premises liability, there must be a causal connection between the store’s actions or negligence and the customer’s injury. It needs to be demonstrated that the hazardous condition or negligent behavior of the store directly led to the customer’s harm. Establishing causation often requires gathering evidence, such as surveillance footage, witness testimonies, and expert opinions, to demonstrate the link between the store’s actions and the customer’s injuries.

Damages: Compensation for the Customer’s Injuries

When a customer sustains injuries due to a store owner’s negligence, they may be entitled to seek compensation for their damages. Damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses resulting from the injury. The store owner may be responsible for providing appropriate compensation to the injured customer as a result of their liability.

Factors Influencing Premises Liability

Premises liability in personal injury cases resulting from accidents in commercial establishments can be influenced by various factors. 

Store’s Knowledge of Dangerous Conditions

One crucial factor in determining premises liability is the store owner’s knowledge of dangerous conditions on their premises. If the store owner was aware of a hazardous condition or should have reasonably been aware of it through regular inspections or customer complaints, they may be held liable for injuries resulting from that condition. Store owners have a responsibility to promptly address known hazards or take appropriate actions to prevent harm to customers.

Notice Requirement: Actual or Constructive Notice

Notice plays a significant role in premises liability. To hold a store owner accountable for a hazardous condition, it must be established that they had either actual notice (direct knowledge) of the condition or constructive notice (should have known) based on the circumstances. Constructive notice may be established if the dangerous condition existed for a sufficient period that the store owner should have discovered and addressed it through reasonable inspections and maintenance.

Customer’s Comparative Negligence

The concept of comparative negligence can also impact premises liability. If it is determined that the customer’s own negligence contributed to their injury, their recovery may be reduced based on their percentage of fault. New York follows a comparative negligence rule, meaning that even if the customer is partially at fault, they may still be eligible for compensation, albeit reduced based on their degree of responsibility.

Role of Warning Signs and Hazardous Area Markings

Warning signs and hazardous area markings are crucial in preventing customer injuries and can influence premises liability. Store owners have a responsibility to provide clear and visible warnings to customers about known hazards, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or areas under construction. Placing warning signs and using hazardous area markings can help mitigate the risk of accidents and potentially reduce a store owner’s liability if customers fail to heed the warnings.

If a customer is injured while shopping in a store, the store’s owners may be liable in cases where they exhibited negligence in providing reasonable care to prevent injury to shoppers. Customers need to be aware of their rights and the evidence needed to establish liability, while store owners must take proactive measures to ensure the safety of their premises and customers. If you’ve been injured in a store, consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can provide guidance on navigating the legal complexities and determining the strength of your claim based on these influencing factors.

Defenses Against Premises Liability

Store owners facing potential liability in personal injury cases may employ various defenses to mitigate or challenge their responsibility. Understanding these defenses is crucial for both customers and store owners in New York. Let’s explore some common premises liability defenses:

Lack of Notice Defense

The lack of notice defense is often employed by store owners to argue that they had no knowledge or reason to know about a hazardous condition on their premises. If the store owner can demonstrate that they were unaware of the condition and had no reasonable opportunity to address it, they may argue that they should not be held liable for resulting injuries. However, if the lack of notice is disproven, the defense may not hold.

Open and Obvious Defense

The open and obvious defense asserts that the hazardous condition causing the injury was so apparent and obvious that a reasonable person would have noticed and avoided it. Store owners may argue that they had no duty to warn customers about a danger that was self-evident. However, the defense is not absolute, as the store owner must still fulfill their duty of care to maintain a reasonably safe environment.

Assumption of Risk Defense

The assumption of risk defense argues that the customer voluntarily assumed the known risks associated with a certain activity or condition. Store owners may claim that the customer, by engaging in a particular activity or entering an area with obvious risks, accepted the possibility of injury. However, this defense is not applicable in all situations, and its success depends on the specific circumstances of the case.

Comparative Negligence Defense

The comparative negligence defense arises when the store owner argues that the customer’s own negligence contributed to their injury. Store owners may claim that the customer failed to exercise reasonable care for their own safety, thereby reducing the store owner’s liability. Under New York’s comparative negligence rule, the customer’s recovery may be reduced based on their percentage of fault.

It’s important to note that the success of these defenses depends on the specific facts and circumstances of each case. While store owners may employ these defenses to protect their interests, customers should consult with a personal injury attorney who can evaluate the validity of the defenses and build a strong case to establish premises liability.

Seeking Compensation for a Store Injury

When a customer sustains an injury in a store, seeking compensation for their damages is crucial. Taking appropriate steps to document the incident, gather evidence, report it to store management, and consult with a personal injury lawyer can significantly strengthen a customer’s case. Here are important actions to consider:

Importance of Documenting the Incident

Documenting the incident is essential for building a strong case. As soon as possible after the injury occurs, the customer should:

  • Write down a detailed account of what happened, including the date, time, location, and specific circumstances of the incident.
  • Take photos or videos of the accident scene, including any hazardous conditions, visible injuries, or property damage.
  • Keep records of medical treatment, including doctor’s visits, prescriptions, and rehabilitation sessions.
  • Retain all relevant documents, such as medical bills, receipts for expenses related to the injury, and any correspondence with the store or insurance companies.

Gathering Evidence: Witnesses and Surveillance Footage

If there were any witnesses to the incident, their statements can be valuable in supporting the customer’s claim. Customers should:

  • Obtain contact information from witnesses, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Ask witnesses to provide a written or recorded statement about what they saw or heard during the incident.

Additionally, if the store has surveillance cameras, it’s important to request a copy of the footage as soon as possible. Surveillance footage can provide crucial evidence of the incident and the conditions surrounding it.

Reporting the Incident to Store Management

It is essential to report the incident to store management promptly. Customers should:

  • Inform store management or an employee about the incident as soon as possible.
  • Request that an incident report be filed, ensuring that all relevant details are included.
  • Keep a record of the names and positions of the store employees involved in the incident report.

Reporting the incident to store management creates an official record of the incident and helps establish that the store had notice of the injury.

Consulting a Personal Injury Lawyer

Seeking legal advice from a personal injury lawyer with experience in store injury cases is highly recommended. A lawyer can:

  • Assess the merits of the case and determine potential liability.
  • Provide guidance on the applicable laws and legal options available.
  • Assist in gathering and preserving evidence.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies or represent the customer in legal proceedings, if necessary.

Consulting a personal injury lawyer ensures that customers have knowledgeable and experienced representation throughout the process of seeking compensation for their injuries.

Following these steps can help customers enhance their chances of obtaining fair compensation for their store-related injuries. Seeking legal advice from a personal injury lawyer can provide valuable guidance and advocacy to protect the customer’s rights and interests.

New York’s Statute of Limitations for Store Injury Claims

If you’ve been injured in a store in Brooklyn, it’s critical to understand the legal time limits for filing a claim. New York law mandates a statute of limitations for most personal injury cases, including those involving store injuries. This means you have three years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against the store for damages.

Acting within this three-year window is essential. Missing this deadline typically results in the loss of your right to seek compensation through the courts. This strict timeline serves to encourage prompt action, ensuring that cases are resolved while evidence remains fresh and witnesses’ memories are clear. 

Certain exceptions may shorten this timeframe. If your claim is against a municipal entity, like a city-owned building or public facility, you usually need to file a Notice of Claim within 90 days and start the lawsuit within one year and 90 days of the incident. Failing to meet these deadlines can result in case dismissal.

Even if injuries seem minor at first, legal action must be taken before the deadline expires. Some injuries worsen over time, and waiting too long could limit available legal options. Those injured in a store accident should take immediate steps to document the scene, seek medical attention, and begin the legal process to preserve their right to compensation.

Getting the Help of a Skilled Brooklyn Premises Liability Attorney

When it comes to store premises-related injuries, seeking legal assistance is crucial to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. Store owners have a duty to maintain safe premises, and if their negligence leads to your injury, you shouldn’t have to bear the burden alone. An experienced personal injury lawyer can guide you through the legal process, advocate for your rights, and help you obtain the compensation needed to recover and move forward.

If you’ve been injured in a store, don’t hesitate to seek the legal assistance you need. Contact the Kucher Law Group today for a confidential consultation. Our dedicated team of premises liability lawyers understands the challenges of store premises-related injury cases and has aggressively fought to protect the rights of our clients. We can gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, litigate on your behalf. Let us be your trusted advocates in pursuing the legal resolution you deserve for your store premises-related injury. 

Take the first step toward securing the justice and compensation you deserve. Remember, time may be limited to file a claim, so reach out to us today. Contact us at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a free consultation.

from Kucher Law

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

When Is It Too Late To Get A Lawyer For A Car Accident?

When involved in a car accident, the importance of timely legal representation cannot be overstated. Knowing the limitations and deadlines associated with seeking legal assistance is key to protecting your rights and interests. Through an understanding of the statute of limitations, the factors influencing the deadline, and the consequences of delayed legal representation, you can better manage the complex aspects of car accident claims.

If you have been involved in a car accident in New York, it is crucial to act promptly to secure the assistance of a knowledgeable car accident attorney who can guide you through the legal process. At Kucher Law Group, you can focus on your recovery while our team of skilled

Brooklyn car accident lawyers handles the legal aspects of your case, avoiding a drawn-out settlement process and helping you seek the financial relief necessary to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Call us today at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a consultation.

Statute of Limitations in New York Car Accident Cases

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in New York and are contemplating legal action, it’s essential to understand the statute of limitations governing such cases. The statute of limitations determines the timeframe within which you must file a lawsuit after an incident. In New York, the general statute of limitations for car accident cases is three years from the date of the accident.

This three-year window might seem like a generous amount of time to pursue legal action, but it’s crucial not to delay. Filing a lawsuit after the statute of limitations has expired can result in your case being dismissed, leaving you with no legal recourse.

Understanding these nuances is crucial for anyone considering legal action following a car accident in New York. It’s advisable to consult with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process and help ensure that you meet all applicable deadlines. Time is of the essence when it comes to pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses, so don’t delay in seeking legal assistance.

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Importance of Timely Filing in Car Accident Lawsuits

Understanding the urgency of filing a personal injury lawsuit promptly cannot be overstated. The consequences of waiting until the last minute can be dire, as your case risks dismissal if it is submitted outside the statutory time limits. When the defense notices a late filing, they will likely move to have your case thrown out by the court.

A dismissed case not only ends your pursuit of justice but also leaves you solely responsible for the financial burdens resulting from your injuries. The liable party would be free from any obligation to compensate for your damages, shifting the full weight of medical bills and other related costs onto your shoulders.

Gathering Evidence

It is essential to recognize that the time constraints affecting your lawsuit extend beyond the court’s filing deadlines. The integrity of your case depends on the availability and preservation of evidence, which can diminish over time. Critical pieces of evidence include:

  • Surveillance footage
  • Witness testimonies
  • Accident scene photographs
  • Dashcam recordings

Furthermore, the longer you wait, the more difficult it can become to establish a causal link between the accident and your injuries. Immediate action is crucial, regardless of initial doubts about your eligibility for filing a lawsuit. Legal professionals can evaluate your situation and provide guidance on the next steps.

Getting Immediate Medical Care

Securing medical attention promptly after an accident is not only vital for your health but also imperative for substantiating your claim. Delayed medical care can lead the insurance company to question the origin of your injuries, suggesting that they may have occurred under different circumstances unrelated to their client’s actions. On the contrary, quick medical evaluation serves to:

  • Reinforce the assertion that your injuries are directly connected to the incident
  • Enhance the prospects of your complete recovery
  • Ensure peace of mind by confirming the extent of your injuries
  • Possibly save your life by treating severe or latent injuries before they escalate

Why Do People Wait to Contact a Lawyer?

Many individuals hesitate to contact a lawyer after a car accident due to various reasons, but understanding why these should not be barriers can help lead to a more informed decision about seeking legal advice sooner rather than later.

  • Misjudging Injury Severity: Often, people believe their injuries are minor and do not require legal intervention. It’s important to realize that some injuries manifest symptoms days or even weeks later. Consulting with a lawyer early allows your claim to properly account for any potential delayed injuries, which can be crucial for receiving adequate compensation.
  • Fear of Legal Costs: One common misconception is that legal assistance is expensive. However, car accident attorneys can provide free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning their payment depends on the success of your case. This setup removes the need for upfront legal fees, making it easier to pursue your claim.
  • Expecting Quick Settlements from Insurance Companies: Many accident victims assume that insurance companies will offer a fair settlement promptly. Unfortunately, insurers often prioritize their profits by undervaluing claims. Early legal representation can help effectively negotiate with these companies and prevent them from pressuring you into settling for less than you deserve.
  • Lack of Legal Knowledge: Some people delay seeking legal help because they are unaware of their rights or the legal process. A lawyer can clarify your legal options and help you understand the steps needed to secure compensation, making the process less daunting.
  • Prioritizing Recovery: After an accident, your focus might primarily be on your health. While recovery is crucial, delaying legal consultation can risk the viability of your claim. A lawyer can manage the legal aspects of your case and allow you to prioritize your recovery, helping ensure that both your health and your legal rights are being addressed.

Addressing these concerns early with a lawyer can strengthen your case, improving your chances of securing the maximum compensation for your injuries and financial losses. Contact Kucher Law Group today to speak with an experienced Brooklyn car accident lawyer.

Statute of Limitations Exceptions

In the complex realm of legal proceedings, understanding the statute of limitations is critical for those seeking justice. This statute sets the maximum time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated. However, several exceptions to these time constraints exist, ensuring that the rights of individuals to pursue compensation are balanced with the principles of fairness and due diligence. Particularly noteworthy are cases involving minors, actions against governmental entities, and situations where defendants are absent from New York. These exceptions reflect the legal system’s adaptability to unique circumstances.

The Case Involves a Minor

In New York, when a car accident involves a minor, the standard statute of limitations is adjusted to accommodate the young age of the injured party. The law allows a child until three years after turning 18 to commence a lawsuit, effectively pausing – or “tolling” – the statute of limitations. This extension acknowledges that minors may not have the capacity or support to take legal action immediately following an injury.

However, once a child reaches the age of 21, if they have not filed a lawsuit for damages sustained in a car accident, their opportunity to seek compensation is lost. It is crucial for guardians and their legal representatives to be aware of this timeline to help ensure that the rights of minors are protected.

A Municipality Is Named as The Liable Party

The statute of limitations is particularly stringent when a lawsuit names a municipality as the liable party. Claimants must be prompt in their actions, as they are required to file a Notice of Claim within a narrow 90-day window following the incident. This Notice of Claim must include specific details, and missing this deadline can lead to the dismissal of the case, underscoring the importance of understanding and adhering to these unique requirements.

Defendants’ Absence from New York

Another exception arises when the defendant is not present in New York. The statute of limitations may be tolled during their absence, recognizing that it may not be feasible to proceed with a lawsuit if the defendant is outside the jurisdiction. This tolling seeks to ensure that plaintiffs are not disadvantaged by factors beyond their control, allowing the legal process to proceed equitably once the defendant returns to the state.

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident Details
Complexity of insurance claims Insurance claims can be complex even for minor accidents. A lawyer can help navigate the process and ensure fair compensation for damages or injuries.
Severity of injuries If there are injuries involved, especially those requiring medical treatment or with long-term effects, a lawyer can help protect your rights and pursue appropriate compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.
Disputes over fault and liability In cases where fault and liability are disputed, a lawyer can gather evidence, assess the situation, and advocate for your interests to resolve the disagreements.
Settlement negotiation potential Insurance companies may offer low settlements. An attorney can negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair settlement that adequately covers your damages.
Legal deadlines and paperwork Filing insurance claims or initiating legal action involves strict deadlines and paperwork requirements. A lawyer can ensure that all necessary documents are properly filed within the prescribed time limits.

Consequences of Missing the Statute of Limitations in NYC

When an individual fails to file a lawsuit within the time frame established by the statute of limitations, they encounter the harsh reality of closed courtroom doors. The court holds the power to outright dismiss any claims brought forth after the expiration date, effectively stripping the injured party of the right to compensation via the legal process. This stringent rule underscores the importance of acting swiftly after an accident, as delays can result in the permanent loss of legal recourse.

The consequences of overlooking the statute of limitations are not to be taken lightly, as they can bring about the irrevocable outcome of having one’s claims rejected. To avoid such a scenario, potential claimants must be vigilant in observing these legal deadlines. Keeping a watchful eye on the statute of limitations is not just a matter of legal protocol—it’s a crucial step in safeguarding one’s right to a fair hearing and the chance to secure damages for the hardships endured.

Getting the Legal Help of a Skilled Brooklyn Car Accident Attorney

The ideal time to consult a lawyer after a car accident is as soon as possible. Timeliness is crucial in these situations to protect your rights and preserve evidence. While it’s never truly “too late” until the statute of limitations expires, delaying legal counsel can significantly undermine the strength of your case. A skilled attorney can provide invaluable assistance at various stages of the process, whether you’re negotiating with insurance companies, seeking a fair settlement, or taking your case to court.

If you’re in New York and have been involved in a car accident, don’t wait to seek the help you deserve. Reach out to a seasoned Brooklyn car accident attorney today to handle your case with the experience and urgency it warrants. Kucher Law Group offers a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation and guide you on the best course of action. Take the first step towards safeguarding your rights and securing the compensation you’re entitled to—contact us today at (929) 563-6780 to schedule a consultation.

from Kucher Law

Thursday, 6 February 2025

How Much Could a Steroid Injection Increase Settlement on Your Herniated Disc Case?

If you were injured due to another party’s negligence, such as due to a slip and fall or a trip and fall, you may have needed medical attention and care. It can often take months to recover. You may still be suffering from your injuries. In some cases, steroid injections are used as part of the treatment for injuries like herniated discs.

Below, you will learn more about these types of injuries, how epidural steroid injections could help, and how their use could potentially increase your settlement amount. Your Brooklyn slip and fall lawyer can shed more light on the matter, especially on how other factors can affect your slip and fall settlement amount. First, it is important to understand the nature of these types of injuries and how steroid injections can affect them. Contact Kucher Law Group at (929) 563-6780 to discuss your slip and fall case and receive the compensation you deserve.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Between the 24 vertebrae that make up the spine are discs, which are round, rubbery cushions that are meant to provide shock absorption. They are filled with a gel-like fluid and are what allow a person to twist and bend. When the back is injured in a car accident or otherwise, these discs can swell or slip. The swelling can irritate the nearby nerves. This is what causes pain. In some cases, the pain might be annoying but tolerable. Other times, it can be chronic and excruciating.

Regardless of the amount of pain a person feels, they deserve compensation for their injuries. When they need to have steroid injections to help with the pain, it typically means that the injury is more severe and will take longer to heal—if it can heal entirely. The severity of the injury and the requirement for steroid injections could affect the settlement amount for certain cases.

Types of Treatment Options Often Used for Herniated Discs

The severity of herniated disc injuries and the pain they entail vary considerably from one person to another. Many people have herniations and don’t know it, while others are in serious pain each day. It often depends on the amount of damage that has been done. Because of the variation, it means that there are several options when it comes to treatment. Below are some of the most commonly used treatment options.

In some cases, the doctor may want to treat the injury conservatively. In these cases, they will generally provide patients with a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. Patients might also be using over-the-counter medications to help with inflammation and pain management. Medication will generally be provided along with physical therapy or even chiropractic therapy.  

When that type of treatment doesn’t work, they may then refer the patient to a physician in pain management.  That doctor prescribes steroid injections to help reduce pain and swelling caused by the herniation.

The goal is to allow the body to heal over time. However, that may not always be possible. When the above treatments don’t work, the doctors may decide that surgery is the best option. The surgery could be minimally invasive, or it could be larger and more complicated open-back surgery. Again, all cases and injuries are different.

Topic Details
What is a Herniated Disc? Discs between vertebrae swell or slip due to back injuries, irritating nearby nerves and causing pain. Severity varies from mild to chronic and excruciating. Steroid injections may be needed for severe cases.
Types of Treatment Options Conservative treatment: anti-inflammatory drugs, over-the-counter medications, physical therapy for mild cases. Steroid injections for moderate to severe cases. Surgery for severe or persistent situations.

How Are Steroid Injections Used?

Steroid injections are an anti-inflammatory medicine that can be used for a wide range of health conditions and injuries, including spinal pain after a car accident. The steroids are used to reduce inflammation in the part of the body where they’ve been injected. In the case of a herniated disc, the injection is made at the site of the epidural space. This is the outermost part of the spinal column. It is supposed to help relieve pain by taking pressure off of the areas of the spine that were affected.

Instead, they help to reduce the amount of pain you are feeling. Patients may receive just one injection, or they may receive several as part of their treatment.

Typically, the pain relief provided by steroid injections can last for six to eight weeks. Although, it can last for as long as six months in some instances. These types of injections can help more than herniated discs. They are sometimes used for sciatica and spinal stenosis, as well.

For many patients, pain relief can help to make the injury more bearable for a time. However, it is important to keep in mind that steroid injections are not used as a means to heal the injury. This means that if the underlying cause of the injury is not taken care of, the pain could return time and again.

Additionally, you can’t continually get these types of injections. It is recommended that you should not have any more than three to six injections per year. The number a patient can receive will depend on their doctor and their injury.

Common Types of Steroid Injections

Below, we’ll look at some of the ways that steroid injections are administered

The most common, which we discussed above, is an injection into the epidural space. This is known as an interlaminar epidural injection. While this is the method that tends to be used most often, it is not the only place where the injections might occur.

Other times, the injections will be into nerve blocks. The doctor will inject a local anesthetic and steroid into the location where the spinal nerves are located. It is known as a transforaminal epidural injection.

Finally, there are caudal epidural injections, but this doesn’t usually happen until after a patient has undergone back surgery that didn’t provide the patient with the help and pain relief they need. These require an injection of the steroid through the sacral hiatus into the epidural space.

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Epidural steroid injections are not the only way steroids are used to treat injuries. Trigger point injections could also help with inflammation, as well as muscle relief. The trigger points are knots that develop either in the muscles or the fascia tissue, and they can cause chronic pain. As the name suggests, these types of injections are made right into the trigger points. Some who have suffered a neck injury in a car accident might receive these types of injections, for example. Again, they can help to manage pain while the body begins to heal, or while you are waiting for other types of treatment to treat the underlying cause.

What Are the Risks of Steroid Injections

Although steroid injections can provide pain relief, there are downsides to them. The injections are costly, for starters. While they are minimally invasive, they also have some potential risks including feeling flushed, increased blood sugar levels, insomnia, bleeding disorders, and pain at the injection site. Some patients may even become allergic to the medication. These issues are rare, but they do happen.

Herniated Disc Injury Settlements with Steroid Injections

When an individual has experienced a back injury accompanied by a herniated disc and has undergone steroid injections as a form of treatment, there is a potential for the settlement amount to increase. This is because the use of steroid injections indicates a more severe injury that other treatment methods did not effectively address. Consequently, jury awards and settlement amounts tend to be higher, especially if the opposing party wishes to avoid going to court.

It is crucial to understand that there is no set average amount for a settlement, even if steroid injections were administered for the injury. Each case involves unique circumstances, injuries, treatments, and outcomes. Settlement offers also vary significantly. It would be incorrect to assume that having steroid injections automatically guarantees a six-figure settlement or more.

If you have experienced a herniated disc injury as a result of a slip and fall accident, it’s vital to seek the guidance of a Brooklyn slip and fall lawyer. At Kucher Law Group, our top-rated lawyers can provide the assistance that you need. Our experienced lawyers are dedicated to securing the rightful settlement you deserve. Schedule a consultation with us today and let us provide the support you need during this challenging time.

How Much Does an Epidural Steroid Injection Increase Settlement?

Epidural steroid injections are significant in personal injury cases, especially where the injuries involve herniated discs from incidents like slip and fall accidents. These medical treatments are often used when less invasive therapies, such as physical therapy, fail to provide relief. The necessity of an epidural steroid injection can be an indicator of the severity of an injury, which in turn can influence the settlement amount in a personal injury claim.

In terms of settlement increases, cases involving epidural steroid injections often see higher compensation due to the perceived severity and persistence of the injury. For instance, while each case varies based on specific circumstances, settlements can escalate considerably when these injections are part of the treatment regimen. In Brooklyn, where slip and fall cases are prevalent, the legal recognition of such medical interventions often translates into larger financial recoveries.

A practical example could be a Brooklyn resident who receives a settlement increase ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the impact of the injury on their daily life. It’s important to note that while epidural steroid injections indicate more serious injuries and higher medical costs, each settlement can differ greatly based on individual case factors such as medical costs, loss of earnings, and pain and suffering endured.

Therefore, while epidural steroid injections can elevate the amount of a settlement, it is crucial for individuals to consult with their attorneys to understand how their specific circumstances will influence the final settlement value. The presence of such medical treatment is a strong indicator of the need for significant compensation to cover all related expenses and impacts on quality of life.

Key Factors Impacting Settlement Values in Steroid Injection Cases

When it comes to evaluating settlement values in steroid injection cases, several key factors come into play, each affecting the final amount in unique ways. These factors can provide insight into the detailed process of determining fair compensation for affected individuals.

  • Severity of Injury: The extent of injury inflicted by the steroid injection significantly shapes settlement values. Cases, where patients experience chronic pain, disability, or lasting impairment, are often met with higher settlements to compensate for the prolonged impact on the victim’s quality of life.
  • Medical Expenses: Settlements frequently account for the totality of medical bills, encompassing past, present, and future expenses. This includes costs for surgeries, hospitalization, rehabilitation, and any long-term care necessitated by the injury. The greater the financial burden of medical care, the larger the compensation typically required.
  • Lost Wages: Injuries that inhibit a person’s ability to work can lead to claims for lost income. The settlement may aim to restore the financial stability lost due to missed work days or diminished earning capacity, pushing the value higher.
  • Liability: Clear-cut liability, where the responsible party is indisputably at fault, often results in higher settlement values. The strength of the claimant’s case against the defendant can be a powerful driver in negotiations.
  • Negligence: If the administration of the steroid injection was marred by medical negligence, this could increase the settlement amount. Professional misconduct or a breach of care standards is taken seriously in determining compensation.
  • Evidence: Strong evidence bolsters a victim’s claim. Comprehensive medical records, credible expert testimony, and reliable witness statements are instrumental in substantiating the extent of the injury and its repercussions, potentially leading to higher settlements.

Each steroid injection case is unique, with settlements reflecting the individual circumstances. While these factors provide a framework for understanding potential compensation, consulting with a legal professional is paramount for personalized advice and accurate valuation of a particular case.

Could Steroid Injections Truly Increase Your Settlement Amount?

When someone has suffered a back injury and a herniated disc, there is the potential that the settlement amount could increase if steroid injections have been used. This is because it is seen as a more complicated or severe injury that other methods of treatment did not help. Therefore, the awards from juries tend to be a lot higher, as do settlement amounts if the other party doesn’t want to go to court.

What If You Need Surgery?

While it is true that steroid injections can increase the settlement, surgery will increase the amount even more. Surgery means that neither conservative treatments nor injections worked to relieve the pain and allow the back to heal. These cases, because they often involve more pain and suffering, along with the surgery, tend to net a higher settlement.

However, that doesn’t mean that someone who has been injured should automatically try to get surgery if the other options might work. Instead, they should work with the doctors to make sure they are getting the best possible treatment to heal their back without surgery. If surgery turns out to be the only option, though, you may want to talk with your lawyer about delaying the resolution of your case until the surgery has been done.

There Is No Average Amount

One of the most important things that you need to take away from this article is that even though your settlement could be higher if you’ve had steroid injections for your injury, there’s no average amount for a settlement. All cases, injuries, treatments, and outcomes are different. All settlement offers and juries are different. You can’t just assume that you are going to get a six-figure settlement—or more—because you had steroid injections.

However, the settlement will be higher than if you only needed OTC meds and physical therapy or chiropractic care. Just how much higher? The only way to know for sure is to move forward with your case with a good lawyer on your side. Of course, you have to remember that even the attorneys will not be able to provide you with a dollar amount for your settlement. It will all depend on the circumstances of your case and how it plays out between the parties involved when you negotiate or end up going to trial.

Talk with an Experienced Attorney Today

What should you do if you have been injured because of the negligence of another, and you have been treated using steroid injections? The first step is to get in touch with an attorney as soon as possible. You never want to talk with the other party’s attorney or insurance company. Often, those insurance companies will offer a lowball amount just to take care of the case as quickly as possible. Though it might be tempting, you never want to settle for less than you truly deserve for your injuries.

When you are looking for an attorney to help you, check to see what types of cases they have worked on in the past, along with the outcomes of those cases. You need to have someone who is experienced in cases like yours that include steroid injections. This doesn’t mean that you are going to necessarily get a high settlement, but it does mean they know that the injections could play a role in what you receive.

At Kucher Law Group, we may be able to assist you in filing a claim for your injuries and securing the maximum possible compensation in your case. Our experienced New York personal injury attorneys are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at (929) 563-6780.

from Kucher Law